Nile Fresh Produce is among the leading maize grain producers in Uganda. “Nile Fresh Produce” is derived from the rich fertile agricultural setting around the life-giving Nile basin from where our quality and high-grade produce emanates. This name was chosen because the company’s activities have a positive impact not only on local farmers, but also on the local community and on the Ugandan economy.  

"Ugandan Harvest: Quality Export"

Nile Fresh Produce benefits from the productive and fertile lands of Uganda to cultivate, year-round, maize, soya bean, sunflower, tropical fruits and vegetables and make these available to the local, regional and European palate. Every step of the production process is carefully monitored directly, from the planting of the seeds in the fields to the delivery at points of sales. This production system, with Nile Fresh Produce’s constant presence and vigilance in all processes, guarantees that the produce reaching the target markets are of the highest quality, freshness, and flavor.

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